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Lesenswert: Teen Blames Acne Drug For Severe Depression

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Antworten zum Thema Lesenswert: Teen Blames Acne Drug For Severe Depression - Akne,Pickel und Mitesser

#1 Josiane



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Geschrieben 27 January 2014 - 20:01 Uhr






#2 Warten-auf-die-Zukunft


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Geschrieben 27 January 2014 - 20:44 Uhr

Ich verspüre nicht einmal das kleinste Anzeichen von Depressionen, obwohl ich sehr schlimm geplagt bin.

Nichtmal das kleinste Anzeichen.

Ich kanns einfach überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen. Genau so wenig kann ich nachvollziehen wie bescheuert man sein muss, um selbst nicht zu merken, dass man plötzlich depressiv ist. Man kann die Medikamente doch absetzen, wenn die Nebenwirkungen so schlimm sind. Ist überhaupt nichts dabei.

Ich will mal nen deutschen Fall sehen, der behauptet depressiv geworden zu sein. Auf Amerikaner ist bei sowas kein Verlass. Die erfinden so viel Scheiße.

#3 Josiane



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Geschrieben 27 January 2014 - 21:57 Uhr

Naja, ich weiß nicht, ob es so eine große Rolle spielt, in welchem Land es passiert. Ob hier, in den US oder in UK, wie in dem geschilderten Fall. Schön wärs, wenn eine Nebenwirkung durch Absetzen automatisch wieder verschwinden würde. Leider finde ich meine alten Posts nicht mehr. Es gab auch hier im deutschen Fernsehen einen Bericht über mehrere DEUTSCHE, die sich infolge einer Isotretinoin-Therapie das Leben genommen haben. Die Sendung heißt Fakt, leider finde ich keinen Link dazu. Hier im Forum hat ein gewisser Ralf geschrieben, sein Freund Wolfgang hat sich in der bewußten Sendung dazu geäußert. Es ist also nicht nur irgendeiner, sondern jemand, der HIER in diesem Forum geschrieben hat. Ralf hat sich am 13.Juli  2009 hier in Deutschland das Leben genommen. 


Sein letzter Post ist auf www.accutaneaction.com zu finden:

Now I prepared everthink. My nucleos raphe are nao working more. I can´t get sleep only with tranquilizers one hour. My situation worsend in the last weeks that much that living is not bearable more. With SSRI no improve. Sexual live cero. Permanently anxiety. Hopeless because the situation will worsen with time. In the last two years there was no pleasure day. I was a strong and very active man. Always without any fear and always like go to the limit. I had many plans and I already had good projekts which are working now. But all is unpleasurable without serotonin. And the SSRI the still are decrease the function of the producing serotónin cells. And with them you not feel really good, The emotions are moderate and boring. Also the sex live which already was troubled by roaccutane is with SSRI zero. Yesterday I tried to satisfy my girlfriend but it was very disappointed. She didn`t show me but for me was the horror. Furthermore it is not possible to relax. After two hours of jogging I am feeling bad not good. All my hobbies I had in the former time are not interesting for me anymore. I don´t like to go out anymore. And I always feeling alert and my heart is running. The whole night I only hear my heart and can´t sleep. Not one hour more without the **** medicaments. And the effect is always lower. I develepod a killing Insomnia. I don´t like to consult the idiots of doctors here in Germany. They always are not commited that the reason was roaccutane. But I investiged the whole time with this drug with diagrams and it´s absoluteliy clear that all the effect are from this devil drug. Really I was a beautiful man with a very mild form of acne. A dermatologist me it in 2005. But I always scared about the side effect. But after five years I thougt that so many people are well treated and so I tried the accumative dose in a long period. Was 2 and a half years for 8gr. I felt during the time about 4 months the my libido decreased a lot. But I didn`t saw the link by roa. Because normally side effect are occuring faster. So I thougt maybe other factors. I have ot say that I was e really potent man. Ten times per day was really easy for me. I was my main pleasure. Always it was very exciting. And it gave me relax and a very good feeling. Also my proud was very high because I heard the other people not like that. The sexuell drive made me very active. I alway was on the run and I was really a strong man without fears. I am athletic, beautiful, nice extroordinary eyes and the girl were really grazy about me. My life was totaly good. I am an master of science electrical field and my carrier was perfect. Also my private carrier was wonderful. There were only some syngiome under my eyes. My girfriend thought the I should approve it. But I thougt if I go to dermatogolist the worsen the situation. But in the meantime I know roa don`t helps for this. And I tried it so long time. Actually in was very mild and no need to treatable. But I rememberd a Dermatolgist which recommend my because I had a mild oily scin I could try roa. He is a fan an also treated mild forms from oily scin. But I scared because the side effects. But afte five year I thougt that so many people used in and in the forums I couldn´t get very negative informations. The pity is if you put in in google raoctuan you wont get information about the devil side effect. Only if you type in roaccutan and libido pezzy is occuring. And if you try Roa and suicide then the action group is occuring. I told them many times the should link it that it comes immedialtiy if you looking for roaccutan. I don´t know why the don´t do it. It would be safe my life. The forums are mainly very naiv . They only want to improve the situation and there the like to see the circumstances if they like. But in my privat research with molekularbiologicals we found the every dose of Roa destroyed the serontonin levels in the raphe nucleuses. Also it change the transcprition of the genetics. Maybe thet many people afte the treatment don´t suffer it. But I know a girl in her case it occurs 10 Years afer roa. the explantion is that the serotonin syntesis decrease with age. there after the long time she fall und the necessary levels. Be aware. Every capsula of that actually chemo therapie will intefere with your neurotransmitter. Don´t use any capsula. Even topical treatment better avoid. It´s not that dangerous but for our body is this medicamt to avoid. there are many other solution to improve your skin. And try to intend that the pysical appearance is if you have self confidence only in the first moment an fact. If the people know you better the like you how you are and is no need to improve something. Nobody is perfect. Y could try natrural or harmless applications. Dr. Pezzy. showed a lot of treatmen which like to be very intersting.
And rule nr. 1. Accept your body and love him. If you are not satisfied wiht some parts try to improve it in natural way. Give you time for it.
In our society because the mass media they make the people crazy. Everbody has tu be perfect. wiht this task you offer much time with obsolete things. Try stabalize your life with positve aspect. Carrer, Buddha, sports, Privat Projekts. Also always look for the opporunity to make somthing in the future. If You have any partner look that you can imrove your life. Not always struggle. Think for your future.
Good wisches Ralf

#4 Warten-auf-die-Zukunft


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Geschrieben 27 January 2014 - 23:57 Uhr

hab die reportage noch


Muss sich jeder ne eigene Meinung bilden.

#5 Aknenormin


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Geschrieben 28 January 2014 - 23:23 Uhr

Das halte ich alles für einen Riesen Schwachsinn !

Natürlich gibt es immer Menschen die sich das Leben nehmen , aber infolge einer isotretinoin Behandlung ist das kompletter Quatsch !

Syhonmal den Beipackzettel von Aspirin gelesen ? Dann müssten sich da ja haufenweise Leute umbringen !
Totaler Mist .

Bitte beachte, dass ich auf akneforum.de medizinische Hilfestellungen weder geben kann noch darf

Meine Antworten spiegeln folglich lediglich meine Erfahrungen und Meinung wider und ersetzt natürlich keinesfalls den Gang zum Arzt. 

#6 Josiane



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Geschrieben 29 January 2014 - 07:03 Uhr

Ich persönlich würde nie eine Nebenwirkung, die im Beipackzettel aufgenommen ist bzw. sogar mit einem Warnhinweis versehen ist, als "Riesen Schwachsinn" und  "kompletten Quatsch" abtun.


Ich habe gerade keinen Beipackzettel von Aspirin zur Hand, aber enthält das Nebenwirkungsprofil tatsächlich ein erhöhtes Risiko für Suizid und andere psychische Erkrankungen?

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